Does the PWA application socket generated by Android chrome fail?

recently made a mini application with android version of chrome. The ordinary version (using ur access) has no problem at all, but once mainfest.json is configured (serviceWorker.js is not configured), after homescreen establishes the app icon, the socket function becomes invalid. On the server side, you can debug to socket client"s connect and disconnect events, but cannot emit and receive messages. is used by both the client and the client side of the socket library.

google has been around, and I have found any information related to PWA and socket. Is it true that pwa naturally does not support socket?? Or the passive communication of pwa can only be done with postmanager? Ask experienced code friends for advice!

mainfest.json is configured as follows

    "background_color": "green",
    "description": "",
    "display": "fullscreen",
    "icons": [
        "src": "/demos/images/xxx/icon.png",
        "sizes": "192x192",
        "type": "image/png"
    "name": "xxx",
    "short_name": "xxxx",
    "start_url": "index.html"