Ask for help again! There is no corresponding response after clicking delete on the page.

emmm this is still part of the todolist code. There is no response when I click to delete the task after the web page is opened. I wrote console.log () in the on click event and did not respond

if you first define $delete_task and then write $delete_task = $(".action.delete") in render_task_list (), you will get an error, showing typeerror, delete_task undefined

all the current code is here link description
this is the html code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My Todo App</title>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/base1.css">
    <div class="container"><!--  -->
        <form class="add-task">
            <input name="content" 
                   placeholder="e.g. "
            <button type="submit" class="submit-task">submit</button>
        <div class="tasks-list"><!--  -->
            <!-- <div class="task-item"> -->
                <!-- <span><input type="checkbox"></span> -->
                <!-- <span class="task-content">item content 1</span> -->
                <!-- <span>delete</span> -->
                <!-- <span>detail</span> -->
            <!-- </div> -->
        </div>        <!--  -->
        <div class="task-detail-mask"></div>
        <div class="task-detail"><!--  -->
            <div class="content"><!--  -->
            </div> <!--  -->
            <div><!--  -->
                <div class="desc">
                    <textarea id=""></textarea>
            </div><!--  -->
            <div class="remaind"><!---->
                <input type="date">
                <!-- <button type="submit">submit</button> -->
            </div><!--  -->
        </div><!--  -->
    </div><!--  -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/store/store.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsbase.js"></script>

JS Code

;(function () {
    "use strict";
    var $submit_task = $(".submit-task")
    ,   $delete_task = $(".action.delete")
    ,   task_list =[]


        var new_task = {};
        // task
        var $input = $(this).prev(find("input[name=content]"));
        new_task.content= $input.val();
        // task  
        if(!new_task.content) return ;
        // task
            // render_task_list();

        var $this = $(this);
        var $item = $this.parent().parent();


    function add_task(new_task){
        // localStorage
        return true;
    function refresh_task_list(){

    function delete_task(index){
        // indexIndex
        if(!index|| !task_list[index]) return ;

        delete task_list[index];
        // localStorage

    function init(){
        task_list = store.get(".task-list")||[];

    function render_task_list(){
        var $task_list= $(".tasks-list");
        for( var i = 0 ; i < task_list.length ; iPP)
             var $task = render_task_item(task_list[i],i);

    function render_task_item(data,index){ 
        var list_item_item = 
                            "<div class="task-item" data-index=""  + index +"">"+
                            "<span><input type="checkbox"></span>"+
                            "<span class="task-content">"+data.content+"</span>"+
                            "<span class="fr">"+
                              "<span class="action delete"> </span>"+
                              "<span class="action"> </span>"+
        return $(list_item_item);

After the

$delete_task assignment is finished, go to console to see if you have got the encapsulated object. In addition, check the variable names in your code, write the $delete_task error report is the best delete_task, naming style, do not require good-looking, do not make mistakes on the line.

< hr >

I see where the problem is. All your action classes, that is, every entry in tasks-list, is added dynamically, that is, when you cache the jq object .action , you do not wrap the corresponding DOM object, which means that your event callback is not associated with any DOM and cannot be triggered.
generally, there are two ways to solve this kind of dynamic DOM callback event: one is to seal the event callback into a function and trigger it with on~ on the corresponding tag, but you can't write this in an anonymous package. Another way is to use an event proxy, that is, first bind the event to the existing public parent element (that is, tasks-list), and then add the second parameter ".action" to .on () , so that every time the trigger event is on the parent element, jq will help you determine whether is .action, and trigger the callback, so it is not subject to the restrictions of dynamic addition.
