How does adb view the / data/data directory

problem description

look at Android phone files through adb shell and find that the / data directory does not have permissions, but android studio,
can view / data/data files. I don"t know how to get / data/data permission

the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried

< H1 > adb root, is not connected to an Android phone. < / H1 >

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

adb can read the file directory like android studio, and get relevant permissions

A lot of responses are made with su tools. My phone is a hammer, and we all know that hammer root is very difficult. I use a virtual machine now, and this Android naturally has no permission restrictions, but the original super card of android studio, and the third party crashes on my computer. I hope there are experts who can study how android studio gets / data/data directory files.


su root

adb shell
cd /data/data