There is only one successful callback for el-upload multi-file upload.

<el-upload multiple list-type="picture-card" class="upload-demo" action="/aj/app_file_up" :on-preview="handlePreview" :on-success="handleAvatarSuccess1" :on-remove="handleRemove" :file-list="fileList2">
              <el-button size="small" type="primary"></el-button>
              <div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">jpg/png</div>

whether you have manipulated the dynamically bound value in file-list. I marked out that line and ok

after success, do not push to the file-list array, create a new variable cache, and merge the file-list data when saving.
however, this can cause deletion problems. Just adjust yourself a little bit.

multiple image uploads are actually uploaded one by one. You need a queue for uploading multiple images at a time instead of performing the upload API all at once. This is no good. You need to = the first upload, and you encounter the same problem when uploading the second


I would like to ask how to solve

I originally had push in the file-list array in the callback for successful upload. The solution is to delay the execution of the push process with setTimeout, and then it will be fine
