Is it because of v-if that the dead width property I wrote was not implemented?

problem description

I gave him a dead width, but did not render in accordance with the properties I set. I added a vmurif. is that what makes it impossible to render?

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="customer_cost_table">
    <tr class="ivu-table-small">
        <th ></th>

        <th width="300px" v-if="hide"></th>
        <th width="80px"  v-if="hide"></th>
        <th width="80px"  v-if="hide"></th>
        <th width="80px"  v-if="hide"></th>
        <th width="120px"  v-if="hide"></th>
        <th width="80px"  v-if="hide"></th>
    <tr ref="tableInfo" v-for="(item,index) in items" :id="index">
        <td><i-combox dict="ESC" v-model="item.marKey" valuefield="marKey" textfield="marKey_text" style="width: 100px"></i-combox></td>
        <td><i-combox dict="EMMLB" v-model="item.bsFlag" valuefield="bsFlag" textfield="bsFlag_text" style="width: 100px"></i-combox></td>
        <td><i-combox dict="EJYLX" v-model="item.trdId" valuefield="trdId" textfield="trdId_text" style="width: 100px"></i-combox></td>
        <td><i-combox dict="EZQLB" v-model="item.stkType" valuefield="stkType" textfield="stkType_text" style="width: 100px"></i-combox></td>
        <td><i-input v-model="item.price" size="small" placeholder=""/></td>
        <td><i-input v-model="item.qty" size="small" placeholder=""/></td>
        <td><i-input v-model="item.count" size="small" placeholder=""/></td>

        <td class="green_bg4" v-if="postInfo.length==0 ? false : true">{{postInfo[index].prodName}}</td>
        <td class="green_bg4" v-if="postInfo.length==0 ? false : true">{{postInfo[index].priceName}}</td>
        <td class="green_bg4" v-if="postInfo.length==0 ? false : true">{{postInfo[index].feeRate}}</td>
        <td class="green_bg4" v-if="postInfo.length==0 ? false : true">{{postInfo[index].discount}}</td>
        <td class="green_bg4" v-if="postInfo.length==0 ? false : true">{{postInfo[index].feeAmt}}</td>
        <td class="green_bg4" v-if="postInfo.length==0 ? false : true">{{postInfo[index].amt}}</td>
        <td colspan="14" align="right" v-if="hide">:<span class="color_red">{{total}}</span></td>

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


  table-layout: fixed;  
