Regular unmatch keywords in a special string?


$body = "
<p style="margin:20px auto; font-size:20px;">
 Very happy! oh yes 
<img src="" title="">
<a href="" title="happy"></a>

"; $str = htmlspecialchars_decode($body); $keywords = [ 0=>["id"=>1,"title"=>"","url"=>""], 1=>["id"=>2,"title"=>"","url"=>""], 2=>["id"=>3,"title"=>"happy","url"=>""], ]; $content = array_reduce($keywords, function ($c, $v) { return preg_replace("/(" . $v["title"] . ")/", "<a style="color:red;" href="". $v["url"] . "">$1</a>", $c); }, $str); echo $content;

how do I unmatch the keywords in img and a tag title?

run online: DEMO

current result:

<p style="margin:20px auto; font-size:20px;"> <a style="color:red;" href="<a style="color:red;" href="">happy</a>">hello</a>,this is a new <a style="color:red;" href="">function</a> ,Very <a style="color:red;" href="">happy</a>! oh yes 
<img src="" title="<a style="color:red;" href="">happy</a>">
<a href="" title="<a style="color:red;" href="">happy</a>"></a>

expected result:

<p style="margin:20px auto; font-size:20px;"> <a style="color:red;" href="<a style="color:red;" href="">happy</a>">hello</a>,this is a new <a style="color:red;" href="">function</a> ,Very <a style="color:red;" href="">happy</a>! oh yes
<img src="" title="">happy</a>">
<a href="" title="happy">happy</a>"></a>


$content = array_reduce($keywords, function ($c, $v) {
   return preg_replace('/(>[^<>]*?)(' . $v['title'] . ')([^<>]*?<)/', '$1<a style="color:red;" href="'. $v['url'] . '">$2</a>$3', $c);
}, $str);