Find other similar articles? A,B,C.

hypothetical articles have a bit called tags that he has finished.
every article has a similar tag, for example,

id / blog_title / tags
1 / Hi / A,B,C
2 /  / A,B
3 /  / C,D

I want to use tags to find other articles that are similar to this article
hypothesis. I am now writing article 1 . Under
, there will be an extension. He will find articles with similar headings like him and show
, so he will show article 2 and article 3
. If you click article 2 , only will be shown. [ID: nbsp; nbsp. Then it will only show article 1 as his extension

SELECT blog_title FROM `blog`
        WHERE tags LIKE "%{ ??? }%"
        LIMIT 3

what function can I use in mysql or php to make this comparison?
is to use the article"s own tag to find other matching tag


I suggest that tags separate a table and then add an intermediate table to maintain the relationship between the article and tags, so that the query and later maintenance will be better

I think the better way is to like, after using explode, but there is no explode method in mysql. You can refer to this article. Create an explode
or you can use php as a secondary, explode

  tags RLIKE
  CONCAT('[[:<:]]', REPLACE('A,B,C', ',', '[[:>:]]|[[:<:]]'), '[[:>:]]')

A code B < C, replace it with your parameter placeholder

{?} (I don't know what software uses such a weird placeholder)

[[: <:]] and [[: >:]] denote the boundary of a word , which can be punctuation or the beginning and end of a character.

rlike means regular match.

find_in_set ?
