How to migrate the container to another machine after the docker-compose is built successfully?


question is this: for example, if I have built a set of services using docker-compose on machine a, is there any way to quickly use these containers on other machines (b machines)?

the way I can think of is:

  1. put all the files needed to build on machine a (docker-compose.yml, application, mysql, nginx, and so on) on machine b, and then re- docker-compose up . But the problem with this is that the content modified on machine an is not easy to Synchronize.
  2. use docker push to dockerhub the containers built on machine a, pull them locally on machine b, and then start each container separately with docker run (multiple containers can be executed at once using scripts).
  3. see that docker-compose has a pull command, but there is no reaction after execution. I don"t know how to use this command

Docker-based CI/CD tool Drone all the compilation and testing processes take place in the Docker container.
developers only need to include the .drone.yml file in the project, push the code to the git repository, and Drone can automatically compile, test, and release.

the image is an image, and the container is the container. The container is a running image after instantiation. So what you're talking about is actually a mirror image, confused. You don't have to use a network to share an image between machines. You can use docker save to export the image, then copy or share the file to another machine, and then use docker load to restore the image
