Mini Program removes the problem that the navigation bar allows webview to be displayed in full screen.

the requirement is that you want to use the title bar of the webview page instead of Mini Program"s title bar. Add navigationStyle: custom to Mini Program"s configuration and remove Mini Program"s title bar (the capsule button on the right still remains). The normal effect is as follows:


another problem is that there is a virtual navigation bar under many phones, as shown above, and the virtual navigation bar floats on the page, causing the content at the bottom of the page to be obscured. For example, there is a button at the bottom of my page, which is invisible due to the existence of the system title bar and the virtual navigation bar.

have you encountered any similar situations and how to solve them?

version 6.6 or above supports navigationStyle . There is no way for the lower version to be dissatisfied.

as for the virtual navigation bar, you can add a padding-bottom to the page.
