The process of using git in multi-version development, urgent!

Company A project has only one dev development environment, which can be co-tuned with the front end (front and back ends are separated).
everyone has their own module, which is developed on the dev branch and then published to the test environment for testing. When going online, some people are slow and some are fast, so those with fast progress will go online first and merge the new features to master by comparing the dev code with master code.
I feel that every time I go online, it is easier to make mistakes than to match the code, and sometimes I miss some code and cause online lag to find problems.

how to establish an efficient and error-prone git process in this scenario?


be a function and a branch?

Baidu gitflow

if there are more modules, it is generally based on the module and then open the module branch under the Develop. Whoever is responsible for the corresponding module will separately push to this independent module branch. After the development is completed, merge will run the test from merge to Develop. When all module branches are merge into Develop, and the running test is also OK, then officially merge Develop to master+ to send Tag (distribution).
