Why can't I jump through path?

    <el-button type="primary" @click.stop="onOrder"><router-link to="/book/bookMoney"></router-link></el-button>

Why can"t it be displayed like this?
< el-button type= "primary" @ click.stop= "onOrder" > < router-link to= "{path:"/book/bookMoney"}" > submit an order < / router-link > < / el-button >


replace the object with a colon, otherwise it will only be recognized as a string.
: to= "{path:'/book/bookMoney'}"

/ string
< router-link to= "apple" > to apple < / router-link > / / object
< router-link: to= "{path:'apple'}" > to apple < / router-link >
/ / named route
< router-link: to= "{name: 'applename'}" > to apple < / router-link >
