Element-ui causes the page to render all the time when el-dialog nesting el-tabs,el-tabs and re-nesting el-table

Environment element-ui 2.0.3 + vue2
nested el-tabs,el-tabs in el-dialog and use templates in the column. You can see that the page is rendered all the time in the chrome console. The nesting level is as follows:

    <el-tab-pane label="">
      <el-table :data="orderDetail">
        <el-table-column prop="product.price" label="" :formatter="feeFormatter">
        <el-table-column prop="quantity" label="" align="center">
          <template slot-scope="scope">

you can see in the browser console that xxxx, is printed all the time and oooo prints normally, because the template < template slot-scope= "scope" >
< / template >

is used in the column.

I don"t know if it"s bug, or am I using it incorrectly? Ask for expert advice


I have also encountered that el-dialog directly nesting el-tabs will lead to page jam. You can nest a layer of div or el-col on el-tabs to solve
