Vue renders different menus when switching pages

The structure of

App.vue is as follows
< div id= "app" >

<Header />
<Menu />

< / div >

structure of Header.vue

<li><router-link to="/a">a</router-link></li>
<li><router-link to="/b">b</router-link></li>

< / div >

structure of Menu.vue

<!-- aa -->
<!-- ba -->

< / div >

want to click header navigation, jump to different pages, page a shows menu a, page b shows menu b. Could you tell me how to solve this problem?


when you detect a change in the route on the navigation page
make a conditional decision to change the menu


<li><router-link to="/a" active-class="active" exact>a</router-link></li>
<li><router-link to="/b" active-class="active">b</router-link></li>

you can add css
exact for him to show

by default.