Vue dynamically changes the theme color of iview components

for example, I want to dynamically set: style
so how to set with pseudo elements?
for example, I want to dynamically change the background color after radio is selected
".ivu-radio.ivu-radio-checked .ivu-radio-inner::after":" background: red"

<Radio :style="[isSelected(item) ? "background: red" : ""]"

it is OK to change itself, but how to operate pseudo elements?
or is there any other way to change the style dynamically


individual style control, custom class

add a custom class name to him by judging the status, and then modify the style through the class name in the style

<radio :class="isSelected(item)?'selected':''">

iview officially provides some default configurable themes

if there is one in the configuration list, you can modify

directly by defining a ide/theme" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> custom theme .

what is not in the configuration list, you can define class + pseudo classes to override


Configurable topic list
