Mysql sets up a federated index, but the index is not used after the time range is one more day.

1, date_point,corp_code,process_code
2, date_point in "2018-09-01" and "2018-10-17, walk the index, in" 2018-09-01 "and" 2018-10-18 "but not in the index

for the first comment, the amount of supplementary statistics (whether the statistics are correct)

explain select `corp_code`, `process_code`, count(distinct business_code) as total from `tra_aging_distributions`  
where `process_code` = "BAO_DAN_SHOU_LI" and `org_code` in ("JIAO_Y I_ZU_ZHI")  
and `corp_code` in ("FYGS8888", "TJBK8888", "LFBK8888", "DLBK8888", "NJBK8888", "WXBK8888", "HZBK8888", "HNFD0001", "WHABK8888", "GZBK8888", "XABK8888")  
and (`product_type_code` = "10001") 
and `date_point` between "2018-09-01" and "2018-10-17"  
and `cost_days` > "2" and `cost_days` <= "3"  
group by `corp_code`, `process_code`;
< table > < thead > < tr > < th > id < / th > < th > select_type < / th > < th > table < / th > < th > type < / th > < th > possible_keys < / th > < th > key < / th > < th > key_len < / th > < th > ref < / th > < th > rows < / th > < th > Extra < / th > < / tr > < / thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > 1 < / td > < td > SIMPLE < / td > < td > tra_aging_distributions < / td > < td > range < / td > < td > idx_date_corp_process < / td > < td > idx_date_corp_process < / td > < td > 587 < / td > < td > NULL < / td > < td > 1852870 < / td > < td > Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table >

1 row in set (0.01 sec)

explain select `corp_code`, `process_code`, count(distinct business_code) as total from `tra_aging_distributions`  
where `process_code` = "BAO_DAN_SHOU_LI" 
and `org_code` in ("JIAO_YI_ZU_ZHI")  
and `corp_code` in ("FYGS8888", "TJBK8888", "LFBK8888", "DLBK8888", "NJBK8888", "WXBK8888", "HZBK8888", "HNFD0001", "WHABK8888", "GZBK8888", "XABK8888")  
and (`product_type_code` = "10001") 
and `date_point` between "2018-09-01" and "2018-10-18"  
and `cost_days` > "2" and `cost_days` <= "3"  
group by `corp_code`, `process_code`;
< table > < thead > < tr > < th > id < / th > < th > select_type < / th > < th > table < / th > < th > type < / th > < th > possible_keys < / th > < th > key < / th > < th > key_len < / th > < th > ref < / th > < th > rows < / th > < th > Extra < / th > < / tr > < / thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > 1 < / td > < td > SIMPLE < / td > < td > tra_aging_distributions < / td > < td > ALL < / td > < td > idx_date_corp_process < / td > < td > NULL < / td > < td > NULL < / td > < td > NULL < / td > < td > 10540764 < / td > < td > Using where; Using filesort < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table >
explain select `corp_code`, `process_code`, count(distinct business_code) as total from `tra_aging_distributions`  
where `process_code` = "BAO_DAN_SHOU_LI" and `org_code` in ("JIAO_Y I_ZU_ZHI")  
and `corp_code` in ("FYGS8888", "TJBK8888", "LFBK8888", "DLBK8888", "NJBK8888", "WXBK8888", "HZBK8888", "HNFD0001", "WHABK8888", "GZBK8888", "XABK8888")  
and (`product_type_code` = "10001") 
and `date_point` between "2018-10-18" and "2018-10-18"  
and `cost_days` > "2" and `cost_days` <= "3"  
group by `corp_code`, `process_code`;
< table > < thead > < tr > < th > id < / th > < th > select_type < / th > < th > table < / th > < th > type < / th > < th > possible_keys < / th > < th > key < / th > < th > key_len < / th > < th > ref < / th > < th > rows < / th > < th > Extra < / th > < / tr > < / thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > 1 < / td > < td > SIMPLE < / td > < td > tra_aging_distributions < / td > < td > range < / td > < td > idx_date_corp_process < / td > < td > idx_date_corp_process < / td > < td > 587 < / td > < td > NULL < / td > < td > 605 < / td > < td > Using index condition; Using where < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table >

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select (1852870+605)/10540764;
< table > < thead > < tr > < th > (1852870,605) / 10540764 < / th > < / tr > < / thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > 0.1758 < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table >

1 row in set (0.00 sec)


indicates that 20% of the matching data is larger than the total data. MySQL will walk through the whole table

number of matching rows / select count (without date_point condition.)
is the data ratio calculated, right?

involves automatic optimization of mysql. For example, if a large amount of data comes out of a condition, it may not be indexed. It has something to do with the size of your data.

you can try force index to see if you can go to the index. Machine optimization must not be 100%.
