Why does Mini Program api always return to api unauthorized hint?

  • current Bug performance

Hello, everyone. I have a certified service number and a certified Mini Program.

the test is carried out in the background of my own server. Using the app id and secret, of the service number, the access token, can be successfully obtained and the user information can be obtained through the user http request interface.

but after switching to Mini Program app id and secret, whether on my local or remote server (Mini Program also successfully registered the domain name of my server on the management page), the following 48001 error was returned. Please give me an answer. Thank you




"errcode": 48001,

"errmsg": "api unauthorized hint: [EkQHYa0585hka2!]"


  • expected performance

the user"s information can be obtained successfully

the above is my simplified question. In fact, in the business, I want to send template messages to Mini Program users through the server daemon. Use this library https://github.com/Eric-Guo/w. this template = YAML.load (File.read (template_yaml_path))
Wechat.api.template_message_send Wechat::Message.to (openid) .template (template ["template"])


call has the same error result.

try snsapi_userinfo scope

    wechat_oauth2('snsapi_userinfo') do |openid|