How does typecho set up article paging?

such as the title. Copied an article, more than ten thousand words, after generating the page, it is more than one meter long. Ask the old bird, how can you set how many natural pages of long articles? It means that when the title goes down, 50 natural paragraphs are paged, or how many words are paged (this is not good, a sentence may be split into two pages). Thank you!

There are a lot of questions to consider after

paging. A more than one-meter-long article is divided into five pages of 20CM. You have to consider the title "such a long title (1)", "such a long title (5)", and the first url, is 25.html. isn"t the second page 25-1.html?

Baidu got nothing for three days (there are some things I don"t understand). Thanks again.


does not seem to work
