I want to access the mini-map and show only the map of the floor I want.

you want the interface with mini map to customize the display



1, add a div to the page to place the mini-map
< div style= "left:12px;bottom:10px;width:300px;height:240px;background-color:-sharp000000" >
< div id= "map" style= "width:100%;height:100%;background-color:-sharp000000" >
< / div >
< / div >
2, the interface for calling the mini-map
var mapConfig = Glodon.Bimface.Plugins.Map.MapConfig ();
mapConfig.domElement = document.getElementById ('map'); / / the dom element of the page
mapConfig.viewer = viewer3D; / / 3D model
var map = new Glodon.Bimface.Plugins.Map.Map (mapConfig);
var l = map.getFloorList (); / / get a list of mini-maps of the floor
map.showFloorById (l [0] .id); / / display a mini-map
