Scan the QR code with playground after weex src/index.vue and load it all the time.

< H1 > create a project < / H1 >
weex debug src/index.vue
< H1 > scan with playground < / H1 >

display scan the first QR code with playground, and then scan the second QR code with playground.
playground is loading all the time and cannot render the content

Note: use npm run build to compile, put it on the server, and then load the compiled js,. It is good to render


the local environment of the above problems is as follows

node V6.11.1
npm 5.6.0
weex v1.1.0-beta.y

create a project using the command line without any changes


is it okay to follow this step?

follow ide/set-up-env.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">, the official document does not run. Can the people of the official weex Ali team serve snacks?

I also encounter the same problem. I would like to ask whether the landlord has been solved.
