How to check the form form of ant-design component Library asynchronously

problem description

how ant-design component library form forms are asynchronously checked

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

I use the set of things that redux, does not maintain state, internally and I use onvalueschange,mapPropsToFields. After that, I now want to send a shopid to initiate an ajax request after entering blur, and then wait for the return value to trigger callback (new Error ("). I used promise to return a value (also used async,await) to come back to judge and output callback, but the console above and below the callback can be typed out. Only this callback display is not on the page, and there are my other form items. When I click submit and overall check, I do not show those callback prompts in scarlet letters


related codes

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what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

I hope to be able to perform verification (both for asynchronous Synchronize). Since I used onvalueschange,mapPropsToFields, the check has not worked well

antd's From uses async-validator


this component already supports ajax checking:


will only be executed once
