There is no web Checker option in the xcode Simulator safri Advanced options

do hybrid development, installed xcode simulator, but now can not debug the web page. I checked on the Internet and found that there is no web checker option in the advanced options of the simulator. My colleague"s computer is pro"s, mine is air"s, and another colleague"s air"s is not good either, so I guess it"s because of the computer, especially the egg pain right now. Is there any brother who is in such a situation and how to solve it?


I feel terrible when I have the same problem.

should be a problem with the Xcode version. I recently upgraded Xcode9.3 and there is no web checker switch, which is available in the old 8.3.3 and 9.2 versions. Can be the next Xcode9.2:

, the answer is not reliable, specially register to log in to tell everyone, this should first start the simulator and then start the Safari, on Mac, that is to say, when you encounter this problem, you restart the browser and OK.
