Is there any open source JS library that can be used to record the behavior of users on the page?

at present, one of my requirements is as follows:

you need to record all the actions the user does on a page, including, but not limited to, clicking buttons, form input and submission, scrolling, etc., and then record this information so that the user"s execution path can be "reproduced" under puppeteer or nightmare.
(currently only consider Chrome on PC and mobile simulator of Chrome)

my current attempt:

if this is to achieve a DEMO level, it is relatively simple to implement basic click, keydown, input event listening, etc., but there are actually some potholes, which I have encountered, such as the simulation of form submission. However, as my summary is not comprehensive, I still hope to find out if there is a record library in this area.

I know that raven.js provides similar capabilities, but there is still a gap between this and what I expected (because it is for error reporting, only some listenable events with callback functions are logged).


if you know that there is open source content in this area, I very much hope you can share it with me.
if you have experience in this field or are interested in it, you would also like to share ~

Thank you


Let's know: fundebug

write an example of recording user behavior by hand. Any function can satisfy
