Icon triggers laydate date

this is my code. Finally, click on the -sharpbeginTimeIcon icon to trigger the date of start, and click on the -sharpendTimeIcon icon to trigger the date of end. Now I don"t know what to do. I am using the latest version of laydate

var start = laydate.render({
        elem: "-sharpbeginTime",
        min: "1900-1-1 00:00:00",
        max: "2099-6-16 23:59:59",
        trigger: "click", //click
        done: function(value, date, endDate){
            end.config.min = {
                year: date.year,
                month: date.month - 1,
                date: date.date,
                hours: date.hours,
                minutes: date.minutes,
                seconds: date.seconds
            }; //
            end.config.value = {
                year: date.year,
                month: date.month - 1,
                date: date.date,
                hours: date.hours,
                minutes: date.minutes,
                seconds: date.seconds
            }; //
    var end = laydate.render({
        elem: "-sharpendTime",
        min: "1900-1-1 00:00:00",
        max: "2099-6-16 23:59:59",
        trigger: "click", //click
        done: function(value, date, endDate){
            start.config.max = {
                year: date.year,
                month: date.month - 1,
                date: date.date,
                hours: date.hours,
                minutes: date.minutes,
                seconds: date.seconds
            }; //

    $("-sharpbeginTimeIcon").on("click",function () {