Markdown to html, code blocks cannot be converted when using TS

the project uses the file at the end of tsx. The code block will not be parsed when using loader from markdown to html to MD document. The code block identity such as `jsx will be parsed, and the file at the end of JS will not be parsed.

1, configuration of webpack

                test: /\.tsx?$/,
                loader: "awesome-typescript-loader"
                test: /\.md$/,
                use: [{
                        loader: "html-loader"
                        loader: "markdown-loader",
                        options: {
                            pedantic: true,
                             renderer: markdownRenderer()


2, contents of index.tsx

const md = require("./apps/index/demo/");

3. Parsed content


const app = <Button>demo</Button>; ReactDOM.render(app);


how can webpack be configured so that the file at the end of tsx parses the code block of the MD document correctly?
