Mini Program uses scroll-view to load more pages back to the top?

when writing more loads for Mini Program, there will be a problem that the page goes back to the top
with scroll-view
regardless of whether it is
var data =
var listData = utils.obtain (data)
var cur = wx.getStorageSync ("cur")-1
listData.forEach (e = > {


self.setData ({


self.setData ({


pages all go back to the top

< swiper-item wx:for= "{{newList}}" wx:key= "* this" wx:for-index="index" >
< scroll-view scroll-y= "true" bindscrolltolower= "bindDownLoad" scroll-top= "500px" class= "scoll-h" >
-- < view > {{newList [index]}} < / view >-->
< view wx:for= "{newList [index]} wx:for-item=" item "wx:key=" articles "wx:for-index="articlesindex" class="newscontent" >
< template is=" list "data=" {item, Articlesindex}} "> < / template >
< / view >
< / scroll-view >
< / swiper-item >
this is the page code. I hope someone can take a look at it


our project also encountered this problem when traversing using multidimensional arrays (and arrays in objects). Every time the array data page in the object is updated, it will go back to the top. If you try to use an one-dimensional array to traverse the list in scroll-view, there will be no this problem. I hope it will help you

I have encountered the same problem
