Is there anyone who uses vscode to develop java?

I use a mac computer, has been using vscode to write front-end programs, and now to write java download idea, but found that the computer is very stuck, the fan noise is very loud, and not used to, or want to use vscode development java, online search some tutorials, but still do not know how to do, is there currently using vscode to develop java guide?


< del > you may (like me) need to upgrade your computer < / del >
idea although it consumes a lot of resources, it is indeed the best java development tool at present.
vscode also has a java plug-in package, but it is not very easy to use.
if you want to develop spring-boot, java plug-in package + spring plug-in package can still make do with

you can refer to the official document:

at present, the development of java with vscode is not perfect, there are many places that need to be configured, and there is still a big gap between the overall functionality and the traditional IDE such as IDEA,eclipse


how old is your mac?
I have been using mbp, for 13 years to write Java projects in IDEA. I can still write Java projects
