When the front and back ends of activiti workflow are separated, how to use vue to draw the flow chart of activiti? is there a ready-made plug-in?

vue draws the flow chart of activiti


has been integrated

Hello, I have also encountered this problem recently. I haven't found a good solution yet. Can you send me some tutorials here? I'm much obliged.

how is it implemented?

Hello, I have also encountered this problem recently. I haven't found a good solution yet. Can you post some tutorials here? Thank you very much

1. Use iframe to embed the backend generated activiti process designer into the front end.
2. The api related to the initiation process, processing, jump and so on of the activiti workflow is encapsulated as rest for the front end to call.

this is how I implement the separation, process approval, and rights management framework in Java Spring boot element ui activiti.

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