Vue-router jump error, the address is displayed correctly, and the page does not jump.


const Login = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require("./pages/regLogin/login.vue")), "regLogin");
    path: "/RegLogin",
    component: regLogin,
    name: "",
    hidden: true,
    children: [
        {path: "/login", 
         component: Login,
         meta: {allowBack: false}//


<router-link class="aHover"  to="/login"></router-link>

code is not complete, but the console error will tell you the answer

< router-link class= "aHover" to= "/ RegLogin/login" > sign in < / router-link >

Don't you have a 404 page for your project? If so, does it match to the 404 page?

try this:

<router-link class="aHover" to="/RegLogin/login"></router-link>

you set name to identify a route by a name, but name:' is an empty name


ide/essentials/named-routes.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> named routes

to link to a named route, you can pass an object to the to property of router-link:

<router-link :to="{ name: 'user', params: { userId: 123 }}">User</router-link>

change your code to

        path: '/RegLogin',
        component: regLogin,
        name: 'regLogin',
<router-link :to="{name:'regLogin'}"></router-link>

