Nginx load balancer WeChat Pay error code curl7

1. Online projects use nginx load balancer. When using Wechat to scan the code for order payment, there is a certain chance that the jump will fail.
now we can basically determine that there is a problem with the configuration of a server


2. The error code is as follows, bosses help analyze

Fatal error: Uncaught exception "WxPayException" with message" curl error, error code: 7" in / data/wwwroot/default/mall/api/payment/wxpay/lib/WxPay.Api.php:565 Stack trace:-sharp0 / data/wwwroot/default/mall/api/payment/wxpay/lib/WxPay.Api.php (62): WxPayApi::postXmlCurl ("< xml > https://api.mch.", false, 10)-sharp1 / data/wwwroot/default/mall/api/payment/wxpay/wxpay.php (66): WxPayApi::unifiedOrder (Object (WxPayUnifiedOrder))-sharp2 / data/wwwroot/default/mall/control/payment.php (141l): wxpay- > get_payurl ()-sharp3 / data/wwwroot/default/mall/control/payment.php (53): paymentControl- > _ api_pay (Array,) Array)-sharp4 / data/wwwroot/default/core/framework/core/base.php: paymentControl- > real_orderOp ()-sharp5 / data/wwwroot/default/core/framework/core/base.php (46): Base::control ()-sharp6 / data/wwwroot/default/mall/index.php (24): Base::run ()-sharp7 {main} thrown in / data/wwwroot/default/mall/api/payment/wxpay/lib/WxPay.Api.php on line 565

error code 7 simply cannot connect to the remote server.
