With auroral push, does app have to run in the background to receive push?

in China, aurora is usually used for RN push, but now it is impossible to receive a push after killing the app process. Normal should be like this, but the domestic app seems to generally kill the process can also receive messages, a comparison appears to be problematic.

I don"t know if you have ever done the contact of RN development

1. After killing the process, you will not receive the push. This is normal
2. If you can still receive a message after killing, it is not really killed, or it is a whitelist that has been opened in cooperation with the developer.
here involves process daemon related knowledge, originally studied, using JNI to implement process daemon, but not after 5. 0. If it is a small company, this research is of little value. No good solution was found. Finally, it is recommended to use multiple push platforms
