The problem of uploading pictures in elment

< el-form-item label= "upload Picture" >

            <!-- <el-form-item label=""> -->
                      :action=""http://tupain/:img_path" "
                       <!-- <img v-if="selectTable.image_path" :src=""" + selectTable.image_path" class="avatar">
                      <i v-else class="el-icon-plus avatar-uploader-icon"></i> -->

The function of


  handleServiceAvatarScucess(res, file) {
  beforeAvatarUpload(file) {
            const isRightType = (file.type === "image/jpeg") || (file.type === "image/png");
            const isLt2M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2;

            if (!isRightType) {
                this.$message.error(" JPG !");
            if (!isLt2M) {
                this.$message.error(" 2MB!");
            return isRightType && isLt2M;


I would like to ask what data is returned after the API is successfully called. It is suggested that the upload is not successful, is it you who did it yourself, or what happened? I don't quite understand

do you see if your parameters are passed to the backend? please take a screenshot and upload the unsuccessful API request
