The data obtained from the background is then calculated with computed (there is already a value). Why did you report an error underfind when loading DOM?

1. The data obtained from the background is then calculated with computed (there is already a value). Why did you report an error underfind




when loading DOM?

sumdata what is the initial value? you need to make sure that the calculation attribute is not calculated for undefined

1 when the page is initialized. This problem is caused by the value undefined that these calculation attributes depend on during initialization time tvf_1 , tvf_2 . The reason you can see the calculated values in figure 4 is that the calculated properties are re-evaluated when the related dependencies change.
2 your data level is a bit deep. With two data, connected, it is recommended to unify the data returned by the API globally.

it is recommended that you check one by one. One of these points should not be available temporarily, or you may have a wrong null, due to the wrong structure.

have you printed whether the this.sumdata is worth it? This points to whether or not to initialize

, your this.sumdata = {}, so = 'undefined', so is equivalent to, an undefined object cannot have attributes, so the error' cannot read property "data" of null', understands the problem and you should know how to deal with it
