Why do I have a blue selection when I double-click? How to deal with such a situation?

topic description

my expected effect is that after double-clicking, a window pops up, and the data corresponding to the red arrow in the picture is not selected in blue. I would like to ask the bosses how to solve it?

sources of topics and their own ideas

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)
here is a simple table component, the key point is the blue selection pointed to by the red arrow, do not want to have that

<i-table highlight-row border no-data-text="" :height="height" ref="priceTable" @on-row-dblclick="dbClickRow"
 @on-row-click="clickRowData" size="small" :columns="columns" :data="showdata"></i-table>

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


css add user-select:none;
or add < p onselectstart= "return false;" >

there is actually a simple way. You just don't want to see the blue when the pop-up box pops up, so you can just adjust the position and size of the pop-up box to cover the piece.

can you try this attribute?

::selection{background:blue; color:white;}
::-moz-selection{background:blue; color:white;}
::-webkit-selection{background:blue; color:white;}

generally you can add onselectstart = 'return false' not to let him select. If you use the frame, try xxx::selection {background: transparent;} to make double-click selection transparent


with other elements that are not fonts, such as


double click is the default text selected, set css user-select:none;
