On the question of whether the circuit breaker mode should be turned on for different levels of service in hystrix

Q: should I open an account in circuit breaker mode for different levels of service?
1. Underlying core services
2. Non-core services in some scenarios (such as those that have nothing to do with core business and have little impact)
3. Edge outermost service (equivalent to outermost interface)
other levels, etc.

so is it targeted to open the above services, or do you need to open all of them?
what I think is that if the core service enables the circuit breaker, then once the service is unavailable for a period of time, it will have a great impact on the whole system. The main confusion is on the activation of the best outer layer service at the edge.

another question is, since fallback is a backing scheme in the event of an exception / timeout, can we also turn on the circuit breaker in the fallback processing logic and implement another pocketing scheme?
