If the vue proxyTable proxy port is set to 8080, it will report an error, but if it is set to something else (7070\ 8081), there will be no problem.

problem description

if the vue proxyTable proxy port is set to 8080, the interface can not get the returned data of the server by error response


comments have always been set to 8080

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

other ports can be accessed normally after changing port 8080

related codes

proxyTable: {
    "/hotel": {
        target: "",
        changeOrigin: true
host: "localhost", // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST
port: 8080, 

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


Port 8080 should be occupied

your vue application occupies port 8080,

port: 8080