Vue-resource cross-domain problem

I practiced what vue did during the project, so I used the third-party interface. Using proxies in local testing can solve cross-domain problems, as follows

proxyTable: {
    "/api": {  //"/api""" 
    target: "", // 
    changeOrigin: true, // 
    pathRewrite: { 
      "^/api": "" // 

but there is a cross-domain problem when uploading to its own server. Baidu says that it defines a global js,. How do you define it? Do you want to refer to it on each page after it is defined?


Local development is done with the agent in webpack-dev-server , but when you produce a package, you must use nginx to forward it, or write a node (server language is fine) as the middle layer ~

use axios. Officially recommended, and cross-domain problems are usually solved by setting up a proxy or setting cors in the background to achieve cross-domain

. The method is as follows:
defines a variable to be mounted on Vue, written as follows: Vue.prototype.API_PROXY ='';
then write the url address in the requested page as: var url = this.API_PROXY +'';
last axios.get (url). Then (res= > {})
