Have you ever done google map api reverse proxy?

has been using the domestic version of google map api "www.google.cn/maps/api/js" before.
now HTTPS, has found that some services of google map api"s domestic version of https have been directly blocked on the whole site.
then uses overseas VPS to do a reverse proxy for " https://maps.googleapis.com ", binding to the domain name" https://xxx.xxx".
but now only one js script agent has succeeded, and other files loaded through this script are still not working.

is there any good way to use https google map api? in China


Hello have you solved

this is not easy to be completely successful, I can do:)

this I also need, is there a solution

I found a solution and succeeded, but then I didn't know why I hung up, so I didn't continue to explore the reason.
you can take a look at this article, the main principle is to reorganize all request links through nginx.
