How to restore dubbo service after downgrade?

dubbo degrades the service, and the mock, timed out or the number of retries reached the upper limit will go to mock
. How to recover? There are some articles on the Internet about asynchronous thread detection, how to do it?


dubbo I don't know about it, but hystrix is that once the service is degraded, the traffic will be actually requested to the backend service at regular intervals. Once a normal response is made, the service is considered to be called normally, and the downgrade is disabled at the same time.

you can refer to this logic.

will recover the next RPC call. Mock is a processing strategy to guarantee the failure of remote service invocation. Limit the current by
`< dubbo:service interface= "com.congge.service.UserService"
ref= "userService" executes= "10" cluster= "failover" retries= "2" / >`
executes to control the maximum number of concurrency or use sentinel in conjunction with
