What is the problem of serial connection between google chart and php + ajax?

Google chart problem
official document https://google-developers.app.

$.getJSON("XXX&m=" + m, function(json) {
      var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(json);
      data.addColumn("string", "");
      data.addColumn("number", "");


$chartData = $pdo->query(
        FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%m/%d") as add_time,
        count(view_id) as viewTime
      FROM `view`
      GROUP BY `add_time` "

    foreach ($chartData as $key) {

        if (substr($key["add_time"] ,0 ,2) == $_GET["m"]) {

          $data[] = array(
            $key["add_time"], (int) $key["viewTime"]


    echo json_encode($data ,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

every view I have has a add_time timestamp
above I convert the timestamp to mm/dd format, and then through $_ GET ["m"] , for example, 05

output [["11Univer 01", 1], ["11Uniqp02", 1], [" 11pin03", 1], ["11pin05", 1]]

but in fact 11App 01 , 11max 02 , 11max 03 , 11max 05 are all multiple strokes


through count (view_id) as viewTime), it is all a sum.

so I can"t figure out how to figure out how many strokes there are for each date.


update other tables like chart.js
