The Feasibility of converting unique_ptr < T > into T * through reinterpret_cast

projects all use modern CPP,. In principle, they don"t have bare pointers. They all use STL smart pointers


but in the library used, there is a function that asks for a T * *, and unique_ptr itself does not provide a reference to return the encapsulated pointer, so I really can"t think of any way to get the pointer inside the unique_ptr and pass its reference to the function that requires T * * arguments


library is encapsulated in dll. You can only see its declaration, not its internal implementation


then I thought of using reinterpret_cast

but I don"t know much about the underlying layer, so I really don"t dare to use


I wrote a demo, that seems to be feasible in this way

-sharpinclude <iostream>

using namespace std;
struct s {
    string a;
    string b;
    string c;
void func(s **obj) {
    cout << (*obj)->a << endl;
    cout << (*obj)->b << endl;
    cout << (*obj)->c << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    unique_ptr<s> p {new s({"123", "sdfadsf", "43g43g4g"})};
    func(reinterpret_cast<s **>(&p));

I don"t dare to use it because I don"t know the standard and the underlying implementation. I need the guidance of all the great gods


if this is not feasible, is there no other way but to change the original pointer and build your own wheel (forget the evil method of calculating offset.)


using reinterpret_cast in this way results in UB. Even in a specific environment, forced use will not guarantee compatibility, portability, and so on.
you can do some checks before conversion, such as

  sizeof(int *) == sizeof(std::unique_ptr<int>) &&
  std::is_standard_layout_v<std::unique_ptr<int>>, "");

it is not legal to use reinterpret_cast here.

< hr >

legal practice:

because the parameter of func is a secondary pointer, you actually need to release the ownership of unique_ptr, then call it, and finally set the temporary pointer back to unique_ptr, that is,

int foo_init(foo** fp) 
  if (fp == nullptr)
    return -1;
  if (*fp == nullptr) {
    *fp = malloc(sizeof(foo));
    if (*fp == nullptr)
      return -1;
  return foo_init_internal(*fp);

foo* fp = nullptr;
foo f;
foo* fp = &f;