What should I do if the vue v-for circular table wants the fourth < th > or < td > tag to automatically wrap to the next row?

<tr v-for="item in xxList">
    //  <td> 
    // 10 item 10 item 
    //  3 
    //  td  33%  

I hope the effect is as follows:



I'm a rookie. I think maybe you need to change the original data to a two-dimensional array before rendering

Change the

tag. Do not use the table tr td

<div v-for="item in xxList" class="box">
    <div class="content">{{item}}</div>
    display: flex;
    flex-warp: wrap;
    width: 33%;

you can change your xxList into the form of [[A, B, C], [D, E, F]]
