How to pass values between two components that have no relationship with vue

< div class= "wrapper" >

<div class="content-box" :class="{"content-collapse":collapse}">
    <div class="content">
        <transition name="move" mode="out-in">
            <keep-alive :include="tagsList">

< / div >

what if I want to use the methods of < v-tags > < / v-tags > components via routed jump components, they are not parents and sons, nor are they brothers.


the first can use lightweight vue bus bus
the second can use vuex

to analyze your problem and speculate that you want to modify the state of v-tags according to the components of the route jump? Similar to the location of the breadcrumb prompt on the current page?
if this is the case, consider using the meta field of the route to handle it. The v-tags component listens to the current route to get meta to change the corresponding content
1. Baidu searches for the next handful of vue bus. The current version of the vue official website seems to have removed this usage note. The key point is to use an empty new vue instance to deliver events. The trick with bus is that you have to make sure that when the bus.$emit event is triggered, the component that receives the event has added bus.$on event listening to the bus.
2 vuex not to mention, two components with associated data correspond to the state status of the same vuex
