What plug-ins does vs code have to compress css?

I can"t find any good plug-ins for compressing css from sublime to vscode,.
it turns out that sublime has many plug-ins like css Format that compress css in a certain format. Do you know any similar plug-ins for vscode?

css-minify : this is a very simple vscode extension. Get your css file and compress it without any special configuration and won't mess up your original css file.
JS & CSS Minifier : a simple js and css reducer. When you open a .js or .css file, the Zoom out button should be displayed in the status bar. You can also run the Minify document by clicking F1.
minify : shrink your js,css and html files to save transfer bandwidth.

details can be searched in the vscode extension.

same question, I come across one that can be formatted into one line by line, but will delete the comment
