Open the company's website today and display a loading error. What is the reason why only one Microsoft picture is displayed after restarting the server? Solve.

problem description

< H2 > (the question has been updated, please take a look at the following. Thank you) < / H2 >

Today, open the company"s website and display a loading error.
there are no back-end developers for the time being because the company"s back-end has left. And I"m the front end, and I don"t know anything about the back end.
tries to restart the server, but why does the site display only one Microsoft image after restart? Solve.
(I took a look at the website file that is still on the server)




windows? Generally speaking, IIS occupies port 80. You need to know what the backend uses, IIS, TomCat, Nignx or Apache, and then end the non-main program service and return port 80 to the official service. But I am worried that the backend has deleted the library and deleted the code.

remote Desktop to windows server to see the configuration, this configuration front end can also understand

turn off IIS, to start Tomcat.

first of all, you don't know whether your website is hosted by Tomcat or iis.
then, if it is hosted by IIS, if you look at the error, there should be a problem with the configuration. You need to take a look at the detailed configuration of your IIS. If it's Tomcat, you need to see if Tomcat starts, if not.

restart the backend service and try it. Is it Tomcat?

Why do you all say Tomcat , bully nginx ah

is it possible that your server automatically backs up website projects and databases every day, and then your memory explodes over a long time, and naturally you can't play it? If you are using a CVM, you can go to the CVM to submit a ticket
