Ant Design Mobile's ListView drop-down refresh component's DataSource

Ant Design Mobile"s ListView drop-down refresh component DataSource, has two codes that you don"t understand. Please explain to me:

Code screenshot:


Ant Design Mobile:


1. What is the function of rowHasChanged in the first red box?

    const dataSource = new ListView.DataSource({
      rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 !== row2,

2. In the second red box, it seems that this.state.dataSource is an object. What are the properties and methods in it?

dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(genData()),

does not understand this react code, ask the boss to take a look at

this answer says how to find the target, or just look at the link below.


For the meaning of

rowHasChanged , you can see the introduction of the constructor in the ListViewDataSource document. When you create a new ListViewDataSource class, you need to pass an object to the constructor to specify how to get the data and when to re-render. rowHasChanged is a method in this object to determine what to add new rows.

