How to configure LF or CRLF? in vscode

isn"t there a function to set LF or CRLF in the lower right corner of cscode, but this can only be configured one by one, is there any way to control it uniformly? I am the 1.28th version of vscode,. I don"t seem to find the setting item in setting. How can I set it


uses "files.eol": "\ n" but has no effect



settings search files.eol

  .editorconfig . The supported configuration items are relatively simple but practical. The configuration items for configuring LF or CRLF are  end_of_line = lf | cr | crlf . 
for editors, the corresponding configuration item in vscode is "files.eol": "\ n" | "\ r\ n" | auto , and "\ n" indicates LF, "\ r\ n" means CRLF, auto indicates the use of operating system-specific end-of-line characters. Where "\ n" | "\ r\ n" remember to add a slash.
