Vant Weapp uses the slider component. Use 2 at the same time, one maximum value is 60, the other maximum value is 100, the upper one can't be pulled to the bottom, it's 60.

Please enter the code

< div class= "line" >

                    <van-slider value="0" step="1" bar-height="10px" @change="onChange" :bgl="bgl" :max="60" min="1" :key="1"/>
                    <div class="time_from"></div>
                    <div class="cores">{{cores}}</div>
                <div class="line">
                    <van-slider value="0" step="1" bar-height="10px" @change="onChanges" :bgl="bgl" :max="100" min="1" :key="2"/>
                    <div class="time_from"></div>
                    <div class="cores">{{nums}}</div>

your thinking is wrong, this: max is the maximum value, what is the maximum value, not the total length
look at this step means step size (how long is a step) you write a step length of 1, so there is a reason why you want 60% but only 60% now