Does sequelize create a many-to-many relationship to report an error?

define association:


theme_product is the intermediate table

error message:

 throw new Error( + ".belongsToMany called with something that\"snot a subclass of Sequelize.Model");

Error: Theme.belongsToMany called with something that"s not a subclass of Sequelize.Model

problem has been resolved and the two models are not under the same sequelize instance.
refer to this project:

Hello, I also encountered this error. How did you solve it? can you share your code in detail?

I realized it in this way. I don't know if it's helpful to you.
Wordbook is the relationship table between word (vocabulary list) and book (material list)
Wordbook.belongsTo (WordModel, {
foreignKey: "wordid",
constraints: false,
/ / BelongsTo association indicates that the foreign key of an one-to-many relationship exists in the source model.
Wordbook.belongsTo (BookModel, {
foreignKey: "bookid",
constraints: false,
