Can gulp replace the content in the html code?

now there is a project that is developed in conjunction with php and is front-end coupled, which is the premise.

and now I use gulp"s gulp-asset-rev for automatic version numbering.
but our project path is _ _ PUBLIC__/Moilbe/ like this.
cannot use asset-rev for automatic version number generation, and then I thought of using relative paths first, and then regular replacement after generation.
now find a gulp plug-in or method that can regularly replace the html content.
search the Internet for gulp-replace and find that it is replacing the file name.
Please help
here is how I use the relative path.

   gulp.task("rev", function () {
    return gulp.src("./app/view/*/*.html")

gulp.task("revCss", function () {
    return gulp.src("./app/src/css/*.css")