Laravel-permission executes migrate report database creation error

< H1 > laravel-permission failed to continue running due to an error while creating the data table-sharp-sharp title text < / H1 >
$tableNames = config("permission.table_names");

        Schema::create($tableNames["permissions"], function (Blueprint $table) {

        Schema::create($tableNames["roles"], function (Blueprint $table) {

        Schema::create($tableNames["model_has_permissions"], function (Blueprint $table) use ($tableNames) {


            $table->primary(["permission_id", "model_id", "model_type"]);

        Schema::create($tableNames["model_has_roles"], function (Blueprint $table) use ($tableNames) {


            $table->primary(["role_id", "model_id", "model_type"]);

        Schema::create($tableNames["role_has_permissions"], function (Blueprint $table) use ($tableNames) {


            $table->primary(["permission_id", "role_id"]);


the backup of the above error report is concentrated in unsigned and references. I haven"t changed anything about him.
my version is laravel5.5. The extended version is "spatie/laravel-permission": "^ 2.9"
